Working Together

We hope that your child enjoys their time at Tweendykes. Our aim is that they are safe, enjoy their school day, learn and make progress. We will try our best to keep you informed on your child’s education. Working together will ensure the very best for your child. 

At Tweendykes School we recognise the importance and value of parental involvement in the school. We want to develop a close relationship with parents/carers that supports and encourages our children to engage to achieve their best.   

We can do this by working and talking together to nurture our children to develop confidence, independence, self-esteem, respect and the desire to engage in their learning.   

We know that:   

  • Parents/Carers are the most important influence in a child’s life. Any educational initiative can only be fully effective if there is a partnership between parents/carers, children and providers.

  • Parents/Carers want their children to succeed.

  • Children need educational and emotional support if they are to succeed.

  • The school is a resource for the community it serves.

Home:School Agreement

All parents/carers are asked to sign a copy of the Home:School Agreement.

Home:School Communication 

Home:school communication is important to making sure information is shared quickly, but also in terms of maintaining strong relationships with parents/carers. We encourage all parents/carers to engage fully in supporting strong home:school communication. 

All parents/carers will have their preferences in how we communicate and share information between home and school. This may be through the home:school diary, email or routine telephone conversations. 


Your child’s teacher will send home a copy of their timetable at the start of each academic year and will update you of any changes. 

If you require any further information on the activities your child participates in then please contact the class teacher. Please also consult the curriculum area of our website. 

Open Mornings 

Termly parent/carer open mornings happen each term to give you the opportunity to meet the class teacher and other school staff.

We hope that we can resolve any concerns and issues you may have about the school by listening to you and taking on board your concerns. As parents and carers you know your child the best and we value your opinions. We will always listen to your views and try to accommodate your wishes as far as possible, making adjustments to your child's provision if necessary.

However if a parent/carer wishes to make a complaint there are local arrangements for the consideration of complaints approved by the DFE.

Complaints received by the Headteacher and Chair of Governors, which do not require Local Education Authority involvement, will be dealt with by the school. A copy of the complaints procedure is available at the school.

If parents wish to see any documentation they are welcome to come to the school to read them.

Online Safety
If any parent wishes to discuss e-safety at home or school please contact our designated safeguarding lead Mr Josh Warren


Child Protection Coordinators

Designated safeguarding leads 

The people with responsibility for safeguarding at Tweendykes are: 

Josh Warren - Designated lead 

Yvonne Briggs - Headteacher 

The school’s designated safeguarding leads (DSL) liaise at least weekly to ensure each other (and the Headteacher) are kept abreast of all issues. C-Poms software also helps keep information up-to-date in real time. 

Additional people with a safeguarding responsibility at Tweendykes are: 

Andrea Powell (Assistant Headteacher)

Donna Swales (Assistant Headteacher)

Joshua Warren (Assistant Headteacher)

Andrea Whiteley (Parent support practitioner) 

Tweendykes school is committed to providing valuable early intervention. We recognise that for children who need additional help, every day matters. In their day to day work with pupils and families staff have an important role to play in noticing indicators of possible harm. The school embraces the notion of ‘early help’ to support pupils and their families and as such maintains close links with a range of agencies to identify and support vulnerable families, including links with the ‘Bridging the Gap’ initiative and convening multi agency meetings with the consent of families.

A child-centred approach guides practice in the school and puts the needs and views of the children at the forefront of decisions made either by them or in their best interest. Tweendykes strives to support pupils understand of what is happening and also for them to communicate their needs and wishes in a way that matches their level of development. We recognise that the better a child is able to communicate, the more likely a pupil is able to discuss and convey their experiences, good and bad and, as such, is an important tool in keeping themselves safe.

Hull Safeguarding Children’s Partnership