Careers Education, Information and Guidance
Our named Careers Lead is Josh Warren, Phase Leader for 14-19
He can be contacted on the school number, or at
Careers advice and support is also provided by the Connexions Service. Our named Connexions Adviser is:
Jo Clappison, Senior Participation Adviser, Young People Skills and Employability Team
01482 614113
Where possible Jo will attend your child’s EHCP review meetings from Year 9 onwards, to support you and your child to make decisions about your child’s future.
Careers Education for Pupils
Careers Education for pupils at Tweendykes runs through the curriculum, as one aspect of our thematic approach to learning. Although paid employment may not always be a realistic goal for all young people at Tweendykes, we believe that learning about the world of work is always an important part of understanding adult life.
Up to Year 11, pupils learn about different jobs that people in their community do through our Theme and PSHEE curriculums.
In the 6th Form, Employability forms one of the four key areas of our Preparing for Adulthood curriculum.
Students in the 6th Form follow one of three Pathways, based on what kind of support they are likely to need when they move on from school. How they learn about the world of work will be different depending on which Pathway they follow. More information on the Pathways model can be found under Teaching & Learning – Phase 3.
Transition Support for Pupils and Families
Education about the world of work is just one key role in getting our young people ready for their adult life and the world after Tweendykes. Our other major focus is supporting the process of transition from school to adult life.
We work closely with families, education providers and adult social services to make sure there is an appropriate package of support for their life after Tweendykes. From Year 9 onwards we will help you and your child to understand the options that are open to them in adult life, and how to secure the level of support they will need to achieve their potential.
Once a package of support has been identified, in Year 14 our students each have a carefully planned transition package to their post-19 provision. Transition is planned jointly between the young person, their family, the Hull or East Riding Adult Social Work teams and the school.
More information about transition is available in our Parents Transition Toolkit, which is available in print or digitally via the Careers Lead.
Provider Access Statement
This policy statement sets out the school’s arrangements for managing the access of providers to the school for the purpose of giving them information about the provider’s education or training offer. This complies with the school’s legal obligations under Section 42B of the Education Act 1997.
Pupil entitlement
In years 8 to 14, all pupils (for whom it is developmentally appropriate) and/or their parents/carers are entitled:
• to find out about opportunities for post-16 and post-19 provision, as part of a careers and transition programme which provides information on the full range of education, training and social care options available at each transition point;
• to hear from a range of local providers about the opportunities they offer through taster events;
• to understand how to make applications for the full range of post-16 and post 19 provision.
For pupils of compulsory school age will be a minimum of two encounters for pupils (where developmentally appropriate) and/or their parents/carers during year 8 to 9 and two encounters during year 10 to 11.
For students (and/or their parents/carers) in years 12 to 14, particularly those that have not yet decided on their next steps, there are two more provider encounters available during this period, which are optional for pupils to attend.
These provider encounters will be scheduled during the main school hours and the provider will be given a reasonable amount of time to, as a minimum:
• share information about both the provider and their educational and/or care offer
• explain what options for adult life their educational and/or care offer could lead to
• answer questions from pupils and/or parents/carers
Meaningful provider encounters
For an encounter between a provider and pupils to be meaningful, information about / experience of a provider’s setting or staff must be presented in a developmentally appropriate way. This may include verbal, written, pictoral or experiential information.
Meaningful online engagement is also an option for some of our pupils, and we are open to providers that are able to provide live online engagement with our pupils.
Previous providers
In previous years we have invited the following providers from the local area to speak to our pupils and/or parents/carers:
· Hull College
· East Riding College
· Bishop Burton College
· CASE Training
· Active Daycare
· Innovations in Care
· Same Difference
Management of provider access requests
A provider wishing to request access should contact the Careers Lead, on the details above.
Premises and facilities
The school will make the main hall, classrooms or private meeting rooms available for discussions between the provider and pupils, as appropriate to the activity. The school will also make available AV and other specialist equipment to support provider presentations. This will all be discussed and agreed in advance of the visit with the Careers Lead or a member of their team.
Meaningful online engagement is also an option and we are open to providers that are able to provide live online engagement with our pupils.
Any complaints with regards to provider access can be raised following the school complaints procedure or directly with The Careers & Enterprise Company via
Impact of Careers and Transition Support
We measure the impact of how we prepare our young people for adult life through careful tracking of their leavers’ destinations. In the past four years, all of our Year 11 pupils have chosen to continue on at Tweendykes 6th Form, and our Year 14 leavers have gone onto post-19 education and adult social care provision with the following providers:
· 4 Seasons
· Active Day Care
· Avocet Trust
· CASE Training
· Danny’s Dream
· Eden Futures
· FiND, Cottingham
· Hull College
· Innovations in Care
· Orchard Day Care
· Pennine Day Care
· Rhapsody Daycare
· Roxby House, Scunthorpe
· Same Difference
· Thorne House, Thorne
· Your Life
Review and Development
Our Careers Education, Information and Guidance programme is reviewed annually. The next review date is: September 2025
Tweendykes is currently working with the Careers and Enterprise Company to review our CEIG programme using the Gatsby Benchmarks, which are nationally recognised guides to good practice.