Sixth Form

Students usually spend Years 12, 13 and 14 in one of the Sixth Form classes, although we are flexible with this based on individual need.  By the time pupils in the school become Sixth Form students, what they want and need for their future adult life has become clear.  Students will follow one of three different pathways based on their individual learning needs and future goals.  Our aim is always to prepare students to get the most out of adult life, and to become active members of their community. 

The three Sixth Form classes each follow one of the pathways: 

  • Sixth Form 1 – Supported Pathway 

  • Sixth Form 2 – Semi-Independent Pathway 

  • Sixth Form 3 – Independent Pathway 

We set high aspirations for every one of our students, based on their interests, needs and personal ambitions.  Some of the aspirations we have for students in each of the Sixth Form pathways are shown below. 


The Preparing for Adulthood programme is made up of four areas, and the curriculum in 6th Form provides students in each pathway a range of opportunities for students to develop in all of these:

 As they come towards the end of their time at Tweendykes, we focus on helping them find the right placement or package of support for when they leave at the end of Year 14.  This might include exploring opportunities in further education, work, volunteering, or adult day care. 


More information can be found on the Careers Education, Information and Guidance page.