Dear Parents,
This year, once again Tweendykes school is pleased to be raising money for Children in Need 2021. As one of the UK’s biggest fundraising events, Children in Need brings the entire nation together on Friday 19th November 2021.
To do our bit and raise money we will be:
Holding a non-uniform day, where children and staff can come dressed in yellow, pyjamas or non-uniform if they want, bringing a donation of £1.
We will also be using learning resources provided by Children in Need so that children throughout the school will learn how their money is used to help other children.
All of the money raised during the event will be sent to Children in Need, which helps make a real
difference to children all across the UK.
To find out more about Children in Need you can visit:
We really appreciate your support and hope that you’ll have fun helping Tweendykes School raise money for Children in Need.