Personal Development- Including PSHE Personal, social, health and economic education.

RSE- Relationships and Sex Education, Online Safety.

Aims and ambitions of PSHE curriculum 

Here at Tweendykes we value PSHE as one way to support children’s Personal Development.

To enable the children to be supported to recognise that we are all unique and that should be celebrated and enjoyed, to be supported to have an understanding of the world they are growing up in, learning how to live alongside, and show respect for, a diverse range of people.  

At the heart of the curriculum is a coordinated and child centered approach to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people.

Our themes are; Being Me In My world, Celebrating Differences, Dreams and Goals, Healthy Me, Relationships and Changing Me. 

What do pupils learn about in the PSHE curriculum?   

We include the statutory Relationships and Health Education within our whole school PSHE programme. Pupils will have their personal PSHE outcomes through their EHC. To ensure progression and a spiral curriculum we incorporate Jigsaw, the mindful approach to PSHE, and tailor this to our pupils’ individual needs. Within each phase the learning deepens and broadens. Our pupils working at lower levels will access their PSHE through the six themes and their Foundation and communication curriculum targets.  

As part of PSHE pupils will learn about how to keep themselves safe online and using technology, an increasingly important part of the curriculum as our pupils have a wider access to devices and technology.   

Will be supported to form safe and positive relationships in the real world and online.

  • Will learn how to keep themselves as safe and as healthy as they can be. 

  • Will be supported to gain the skills needed to manage their lives now and in their future as individuals, members of their family and of the community, integrated employability.  

  • Each week pupils take part in a phase assembly which embeds the current PSHE theme throughout the school through celebration of achievement, songs and individual class celebrations that all pupils and staff can take part in.  

Half termly letters are shared with parents, showing the language we will be using, what we will be learning about and ideas to extend this learning further at home.  

The Changing Me unit is about puberty and human reproduction and coping positively with change, although we recognise that most pupils need to access this throughout the year. Each pupil will access learning appropriate to their age and capacity. This will progress from learning about how we have changed since babies, to how boys’ and girls’ bodies change as they grow older, to puberty and conception. 

Why the PSHE curriculum is important. 

Pupils will access learning appropriate to their physical development, abilities and understanding- this will vary greatly from our most sensory to our most able learners.  

The PSHE assessed using ‘sticky knowledge ladders’ and written notes. Progress is also measured against the Foundation Curriculum and EHCP outcomes.  

Our PSHE curriculum is important because it helps our pupils to be as healthy and safe as they can be and to build meaningful and safe relationships throughout their lives.